April 16, 2021

How SampleArchive ensures efficient allocation and capacity investments using utilisation data from BIOSTrak.

SampleArchive’s bio-repository facility is a managed and secure shared-storage solution. The facility holds biospecimens for clients across bio-industry fields, including from life sciences companies; hospitals; governments and public boards; research institutes and labs.

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With an increasing quantity of client biospecimen being stored and archived at the facility, SampleArchive needed to ensure bio-repository capacity was carefully managed and adequate to meet demand.


  • SampleArchive needed detailed storage utilisation data to best manage equipment purchase and most efficiently allocate shared storage capacity between different client parties.


  • BIOSTrak, the inventory system used at SampleArchive, tracks month-on-month storage usage statistics per client account.


  • Data-driven management, aided by BIOSTrak, helps SampleArchive make better, efficient yet effective decisions on equipment purchase and storage space allocation for different parties.
  • This allows SampleArchive to consistently deliver bio-repository solutions in a shared-storage model that represents excellent value along with quality service.

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