Bone Marrow Donation Programme coordinates international bone marrow transplants using SampleArchive Bio-Conveyance.
The Bone Marrow Donor Programme (BMDP), a Singapore-based non-profit organisation, facilitates life-saving bone marrow donor transplants to patients suffering from terminal blood-related diseases.

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During the Covid-19 period, BMDP found a matched marrow donor in Singapore for a patient in Europe. It was critical for BMDP to send the life-saving bone marrow cells to Europe immediately after the donation process as every second was critical to the patient.
- BMDP needed to deliver the bone marrow cells to the patient in Europe immediately.
- The bone marrow product was sensitive to temperature change and needed to be kept within a specific temperature range.
- Special approved handovers from Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH) and Ministry of Transport (MOT) were required to transfer the bone marrow products to international couriers at the airport.
- SampleArchive was on 24×7 standby for this programme and responded quickly to BMDP’s after-hours request to deliver the bone marrow cells for international shipment.
- SampleArchive prepared the necessary shippers and official documentation needed to deliver these critical samples and bone marrow products.
- SampleArchive’s team was cleared by MOH and MIT and given the regulatory approvals to handle the time-critical bone marrow cell conveyance in the Singapore leg.
- SampleArchive ensured account for the correct transplant product that was to be transported and adhered to the strict chain-of-evidence collection and handover procedures.
- SampleArchive successfully handed the bone marrow products to the international courier at Changi Airport on time and in good condition.
- SampleArchive is glad that we contribute to a critical part in the transplant patients’ well-being.